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A whole Yemeni family slaughtered in a Saudi airstrike on Saada


A family of five members were killed on Wednesday evening, as a result of an air raid conducted by the Saudi-led coalition on their house in the town of Dhahyan in Saada Province, northern Yemeni border.
A woman and her four children lost their lives in the US-backed Saudi attack against their home, which belongs to Mohammed Abdel Azim Al-Liblob in the city of Dhahyan, Majz district, local source confirmed to YemenExtra.

The source provided the following names as fallen casualties:

1 – Ali Mohamed Abdul Azim Liblob

2 – Intessar Mohammed Abdul Azim Liblob

3 – Ayat Mohammed Abdul Azim Liblob

4 – Zainab Mohammed Abdul Azim Liblob

5 – Fatima from the Abu Alama family “their mother”.

In the same context, a child was killed and a man and his wife were wounded in a cluster bomb explosion, an international banned weapon dropped by the warplanes of the coalition, in Razih border district.

These crimes come in the context of humanitarian violations perpetrated by the Saudi regime and its allies against the civilians of Yemen, where the international community and human rights organizations remain silent and incapable in front of the Saudi petrodollar.

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