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HRW: UAE Is Violating Humanitarian Laws in Yemen



The United Arab Emirates has been involved in serious human rights violations in Yemen, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday.

“Former detainees have reported that they were brutally treated, beating them with iron bars, wooden sticks and rifles,” the humanitarian organization revealed in a new report. Forces loyal to the Yemeni government in Riyadh accused the United Arab Emirates, which is participating in the Saudi coalition in Yemen, for being directly involved in many violations.

“The forces loyal to the United Arab Emirates and the forces of the so-called Yemeni government, who support exiled ex-president, Hadi, randomly picks people to be detained, tortured and completely vanish from the outside world,” the organization said in a report on Tuesday.

Noting that ” detaining of people is being widely used, by the UAE, in addition to torture, rape, and employment of children.”

The Associated Press reported last May that it had documented at least 18 secret prisons in southern Yemen under the administration of Emiratis or Yemeni forces who were set up and trained by the UAE, according to reports compiled by former detainees, prisoners’ families, lawyers, and Yemeni military officials.

Amnesty International has called for a UN-led investigation into the role of the UAE and other parties in establishing a “horrific” network of torture and the allegations of interrogations of the UAE or information received from torture.

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