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In Sana’a Thousands of Yemenis in A mass rally


April 16 | Yamanyoon

Thousands of Yemenis called in a mass rally, in the capital Sana’a, on the Supreme Political Council running the current government in Yemen to declare a state of emergency.

On Sunday afternoon, Sana’a witnessed a mass rally organized along the Al-Matar (airport) road, north of the capital, to denounce the fifth column and the agents of the Saudi-led coalition, waging its three-year long war on Yemen.

The massive demonstration was organized under the slogan “Against Saudi agents and fifth column”, in which various political forces against the Saudi war and hundreds of tribal and social aspects participated in.

The demonstrators chanted several slogans against Saudi-paid agents and the fifth column and the event included a number of speeches stressing the need to unite the internal front to face the Saudi war, its spies and the fifth column.

“This is our land and country, it is the duty of any patriot with honor and dignity to protect his land and sovereignty of his country”, says a Yemeni sheikh named Anam in his speech to the masses.

The Yemeni masses concluded their demonstration by affirming that they will face agents of the Saudi war and will work to expose them and put them under trial.


Source | YemenExtra


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