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MAWO Organization in Canada Hold a Protest Demanding an End to the War on Yemen



MAWO peace organization held a protest against the war on Yemen in Vancouver, Canada, to show solidarity with the Yemeni people and demanding an end to the Saudi-led war against Yemen.

The protesters called on US-backed coalition forces to stop the war on Yemen, as well as calling on their government to stop the arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

The protesters stand for hours demanding that Canadian citizens sign a petition to demand a halt to the arms deal.

“The organization continues to demand a halt to the three-year-long war, and it will continue to support peace in Yemen,” the head of MAWO, Alison Bodine said during the protest rally, adding that we call on the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Tradua to stop the arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

The President of the Yemeni community in Canada, Asaad al-Jawbi stressed the importance of the vigil that coincided with the fourth anniversary of the September 21 revolution against corruption and injustice.

He called on the international community to carry out its most basic humanitarian duties to open Sanaa airport for patients and passengers and lift the economic blockade on Yemen.

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