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Sayyed Houthi Stresses That Israel Is a Partner of the Saudi Aggression Against Yemen



The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badruddin al-Houthi, reassured that the Israeli enemy is a partner of the aggression that is led by Saudi Arabia against Yemen and that his hostility to Yemen was reported by Israeli-affiliated media outlets.

In a televised speech of Sayyed Houthi, which took place during an extended meeting of Yemeni tribes and sages last Sunday, Sayyed Abdulmalik pointed out that the hostile positions against Hezbollah, the Palestinian resistance and the media campaigns going against them are the conclusion of the normalization with Israel, stressing that the relations with the Israeli enemy are for taking Israeli and American projects in the region (Middle East).

Sayyed Houthi considered the scandalous Warsaw summit a declaration of normalization and partnership with Israel, pointing out that the alliance with the Israeli enemy on the basis of partnership and is the explanation for normalization.

The leader of the revolution praised the great massive protest that went to the streets against the traitors, stressing that there can be no normalization and relations with the Israeli enemy and the Palestinian nation is still occupied by them.

“There can be no normalization and relations with the Israeli enemy unless at the expense of the Palestinian cause and recognition of (Tel Aviv regime’s) occupation.”

He added that any occupation of any country of the Islamic world is a target for the Islamic nation and that the alliance with the Israeli enemy is an antagonism to anyone who opposes Israel.

He pointed out that the US and the Israeli enemy are moving with their ambitions and carrying hostility to the Islamic nation, and they have conspiracies and agendas that strengthen their control in the region by the work of traitors.

“Making an alternative enemy is one of the most important attempts to mobilize the nation’s energies to counteract who owns hate towards Israel.”

The leader of the revolution said that the continuous aggression on Yemen that began four years ago is only for the refusal of Yemenis to enter their project of normalization. He added: “The Warsaw summit revealed where Yemen is to be,” he said. “God refuses our people to be servants to America and Israel.

Sayyed Abdulmalik pointed out that all the hatred and hostility toward Yemeni people is because of their loyalty vis-à-vis national issues. Their problem with us is due to our free and independent approaches and our responsible positions,” he concluded.

He also described what he called the “Netanyahu association” as partners in the aggression against Yemen.

Sayyed Abdulmalek concluded by emphasizing that the document of honor is aimed at fortifying the base front and giving the tribe its proper role.

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