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Allies Aggression on Yemen’s just Arms of America.. “Report”


Report: Majed Al Kuhlani

Translation :Ahmed Abdulkareem

Eleven months have passed nearly on thebrutal Saudi- US aggression against Yemen, which left thousands ofinnocent victims, mostly women and childrencoincided with the emergence of indicators to defeat aggression in achieving its objectives and greediness, and Yemeni people has proved that still sticks in front of an alien invasion as evidenced by its history.

Completely,it became clear to everyone that the Saudi American- Zionist aggression on Yemen have failedand has not accomplished anya political or a military purpose.

The army, security and popular committees progresson the battlefield in the internal fighting axes confirms this,neither face of al-Qaeda in Aden, Abyan and Marib, nor in the face of air strikes, which caused outrage among the general extraordinary Yemeni people who know the fact thatall were targeted by unjust aggression.

Also, impose a total siege on the Yemeni people proved that the people are being targeted and therefore everything isexposed topeople evenitsdeceive.

Elevenmonths of brutal aggression and siege on Yemen,manifested the Yemenisteadfastness, and the people`s army and itspopular committees in the front of aggression which many Arab and western countries are involved in

Not only ten countries involve in attack on Yemen which led by Saudi Arabia, but there are also US- Israeli involvement in the current crisis in Yemen, which aim to the invasion and occupation of Yemen and the re-imposition of hegemony it once again, nevertheless the operationcreated big events,and causing a humiliating defeat and unprecedented for these countries, which participated in the aggression against Yemen.

Undoubtedly, such process confirmed the fact which say there is a scheme to eliminatesthe Arab nationand dump them in the civil wars implement American Zionism plans , and what does not exclude to happens, is that the Arab coalition will move to hit other Arabiandistricts in the future ,which will reject the US and Israeli attitudes.

It isAmerica; even itclaimed human rights and democracy slogans. It is involvedthroughout Obama administration in all conflicts around the world and supports the Saudi aggression against Yemen in directly way, which has been recently stepped up its involvement when provided the Saudi regime with 13 thousand smart bombs worth $ 1.29 billion

According to US Secretary of State`s “John Kerry` ” speakingin a press conference with the Saudi foreign ministers and other countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council in a few days ago, the United States welcomes the military alliance disposal in Yemen he also admitted the supports coalition efforts,including that intelligence sharing, assistance in settinggoals, providing advisory, and logistical support for strikes against targets in Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia.

By word and deed, and it is clear to Yemeni people, the United State behinds ofkilling of the Yemeni people and also they know that all coalition allies aggression is just arms for America, regardless of all the false slogans which is Americaclaimed it.

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