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Photos | Saudi-Led Coalition Commits a Massacre in Sana’a


Sana’a / October 8 / Yamanyoon

Dozens of civilians have been killed and others injured, today Saturday, by raids launched by the US-backed Saudi coalition targeting a funeral ceremony in the capital Sana’a.

The fighter jets of the US-backed Saudi coalition waged three air raids targeting the funeral ceremony of Al Ruwaishan family held in Al Kobra hall, southern the capital city of Sana’a. As a result, dozens of Yemeni citizens were killed and others injured, local source confirms.

Rescuing the wounded and lifting the dead bodies operations are still ongoing until this moment, without knowing a certain outcome of the number of killed and injured citizens, source adds.

Source points out that one Saudi raid targeted the paramedics.

This massacre comes just a day later after the first anniversary of Sanaban massacre where more than 115 civilians had been killed, most of them children and women in a raid targeting a wedding in Sanaban city, Dhamar province.

Moreover, the capital’s hospitals announced an SOS to donate blood for the wounded civilians.
In preliminary statistics, the source reported that the number of the wounded surpassed a 100 and are distributed on a number of different hospitals in the capital as follows:

30 injured in the Republican Hospital
8 cases in the Revolution Hospital
30 injured in Police Hospital
40 wounded in Jerusalem Hospital
6 wounded in 48 Hospital
3 wounded in Usaimi Hospital

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