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Aggression Raids In Yemen



Coinciding announcement to stop the aggression on Yemen ,the US _ backed Saudi coalition continue to waging raids on some provinces in Yemen.

Saad :

the warplanes launched more than 22 raids on different area in Saad governor.

Airline Saudi American aggression waged 12 raid on Al Gerd area Baqim Directorate

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged two raids on the Al Thiah area of the of Shada Directorate

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Al Tkia area

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on the area Al Boga.

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression casts a cluster bomb on the area in Abad Baqim Directorate

The warplanes of the US _ backed Saudi coalition launched two raids on Majzar director and led to wounded civilians.

Hajjah :

warplanes of the US _ backed Saudi coalition launched 5 raids on Midi.

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid targeting Al Shab a bridge in Abs District


Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on a Softail area.

Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged five raids on the Salah area.

Death of a child and wounded five civilians in the shelling of the hypocrites on the neighborhood Aljehmlah.


Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Hilan Mount in Serwah Directorate

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged on three raids in Sirwah

Al Jof :

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on the Aqaba.

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Aqaba Directorate Kab and Sha’af.

Sana’a :

Warplanes of the Saudi American aggression waged two raids on the area Alhva

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