أفق نيوز
الخبر بلا حدود

Aggression Crimes and Mercenaries in the Yemen Governorates


Yemen | December 6 | Yamanyoon

Monitor crimes of Saudi American aggression and the Mercenaries, on Monday 6 March :


● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Khpop Mount

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Dhubab district


● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged two raids on Aldjamlh area in Majzer directorate.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged raids on Al Mogram area in Baqim directorate.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged two raids on Al Malhit area in Al Thahir directorate.

●Saudi missile targets different areas in Shada directorate.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Al Takia area.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged cluster bomb and two raids on the Al Far district in Kitaf Directorate.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged raids on Alsouh area in the Kitaf and cluster bomb.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged three strikes on the Al thoaban area.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression 7 raids on Mandabah district in Baqim directorate


● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged raids on Nqil Yaslih the linking between Sana’a and Dhamar.

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Fras area in bin Arhab directorate


● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on the area Batnh

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on El Hencha area

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on the Neham directorate.


● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Gah district of Bayt al-Faqih in directorate .

● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged a raid on Al kokah directorate

● citizen injuried by a raid of the warplanes the Saudi American aggression on Nekhaila district.


● Artillery bombardment of hypocrites targets on Al hazm village and Hreib Alqramish directorate and Al Hjlan Serwah directorate

● Artillery bombardment of the hypocrites on Habbab areas and Ahazzmh in Serwah directorate.


● Fight jets of the Saudi American aggression waged five raids on Rabuah

● Air Saudi American aggression waged seven raids on Alshoh Mount in Rabuah.

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