أفق نيوز
الخبر بلا حدود

No matter the odds, with a spirit like this, Yemenis will triumph


With the majority of the world silent while heinous crimes are committed against the people of Yemen by the Saudi-led Aggression, killing women and children and destroying the modest infrastructure the country has; Yemenis still hold their heads high, believing and waiting for no one but God and themselves to relieve them from this Aggression and to lift them up to a future they have sacrificed so dearly for.

Tens of countries have either joined this Aggression or supported it and many more have stayed silent; but this has only united Yemenis, made them stronger, made them more determined to live and more resolved to continue their revolution in the hope of a better future for themselves and their children, against all the odds stacked against them.

No matter how much brutality, how many countries and how much time the Saudi-led Aggression takes to try to achieve their illicit goals to break the spirit of Yemenis and take away their dignity, they will not succumb to such folly. And there is no doubt in their minds that they will be triumphant.

The following two pictures show just that. These two were saved from under the rubble, yet stand proud, with clean hearts and determined souls to move forward, as if nothing can stop them, and in spite of all that hatred which has been poured over them. This is how Yemenis will win.

This is the spirit of Yemen. This is how we will one against all of those who wished pain and suffering on us.

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