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Algerian Capital Hold an Event in Solidarity With the People of Yemen


Algeria | December 25 | Yamanyoon

Al Jahdhia Cultural Association in collaboration with the Algerian Committee for the support of the Yemeni people, held in Algeria on Saturday, December 24, 2016, a lecture entitled “Aggression on Civilization and Ancient Monuments in Yemen.

Dr. Ali Hassan Alkhawlany gave the lecture, and was preceded by the recitation of the Quran, then they read Al Fatiha on the souls of the martyrs who have fallen at the hands of the Saudi criminality. After that, they listened to the national anthems of Algeria and Yemen.

The lecture included a brief explanation of the Yemeni history in ancient times, especially in the era of the Kingdom of Sheba, the Islamic era and modern history, and how Yemenis contributed to the building of human civilization; in the dissemination of the Islamic religion. Proof of that is what they have left of monuments that traces it, and indicate as well as the greatness and glory of a Yemeni. These cultural monuments are what the Saudi aggression aims to destroy to separate Yemenis from his or her own history, making their youth without an identity so that it can control Yemen, enslave its people and plunder it wealth. It has been following and applying an agenda of the World Zionist forces, all this is under the silence of the UNESCO, whom is complicit with the Saudi regime.
 During the lecture, a PowerPoint presentation displayed pictures of the monuments that have been demolished in the Yemeni Republic, in addition to a short film talking about the bombarded monuments in Sana’a, Taiz, Aden, Marib, Hodiedah and others.

Some folk songs were presented, including those who expressed the combat culture of the people of Yemen as they defend their people and land.

 After that, an open discussion of those present took place, whom have condemned the Saudi aggression against Yemen in general and commended the these awareness events. These events barricade the Arab societies and expose the Gulf regimes, especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar, agents of the global Zionism. The event was attended by many writers, intellectuals and journalists.

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