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Photos | Saudi American Raids Kill 4 Women and 3 Children in Hodeidah


 Hodeidah / January 13 / Yamanyoon

Four women and three children were killed yesterday when a Saudi America raid bombarded their house in Al Jah region, Bait Faqih district, Hodeidah governorate.

The hostile raid waged by the warplanes of the US-backed Saudi coalition targeted the house of the citizen Jamai Mushasha, causing deaths among the family members, one of whom did not exceed two years of age.

The only survivors were the owner of the house with one of his children, local source reported.

What happened to this family creates another war crime committed by the Saudi American aggression against Yemeni civilians.

Such crimes take place under the silence of the United Nations and the international community, which constitute an umbrella of protection for the Saudi regime to continue perpetrating war crimes that have been going on for nearly two years.


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