أفق نيوز
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Names of the Victims of Taiz Massacre


January 17 / Yamanyoon 

Six citizens, including women and children, have been killed and five others wounded in an appalling massacre committed by the Saudi American aggression on Monday night in Maqbnah district,Taiz governorate.

A local source reported that the gunboats belonging to the aggression pounded, from their areas in the south of the Red Sea, Almoeager village and other parts of Maqbnah district in the southwest of Taiz governorate.

The source confirmed that the bombardment targeted two citizen’ homes in Almoeager village, which led to their complete destruction. These homes belong to the citizens Shobat Hafeez and Abdul Hakim Mohafez Hafeez, and the hostile raids resulted of the death of six civilians and the injury of another five as preliminary statistics report.

Searching and digging out buried victims from under the rubble is  still ongoing, local source reported.

The source pointed out that the aggression bombing to such residential villages in this brutal way comes as an attempt to prop up its mercenaries as its gunboats were approaching the coast of Mokha district.

According to the source, the civilians who have been identified are named as follows:

1. Shobat Hafeez
2. Mohammed Shobat
3. Abrar Shobat
4. Saher Shobat
5. Abdul Hakim Mohafez Hafeez
6. Ghosoun Mohafez Hafeez

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