Aggression Committed Several Crimes Against the Citizens in Taiz
January 28 | Yamanyoon
Aggression committed horrible crimes against the citizens in Taiz province , where targeted different areas in the province.
Warplanes of the US-Saudi aggression targeted Alwazaeya district, and killed 4 women , 6 kids and injured 4 . In Mokah district the warplanes launched more than 15 raids and killed at least 8 of citizens and injured dozens .
In the same context , the fighters jets of the aggression targeted citizens’ car and killed all the passengers , a local source said for ” Yamanyoon ” the passengers were 14 . In Saadah province the warplanes of the aggression launched more than 18 raids I the different area of the province .
The aggression warplanes waged several raids different province of Yemen , and committed several crimes with Silence of the United Nations and all the world .