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Numbers of Saudi Soldiers Killed in Najran


February 12 / Yamanyoon

Numbers of Saudi soldiers have been killed and others wounded when the Yemeni army and popular forces ambushed on Saturday their  military sites in Najran border governorate, a military official told Yamanyoon.

Units of the national Yemeni forces attacked the military sites of Al-Ashah and Al-Mawalaq, killing and injuring several   soldiers. The operation took place in spite of the hovering Saudi warplanes, Apache helicopters and drones over the area.

Meanwhile, the army’s artillery hit gatherings of Saudi soldiers and their mercenaries in Alib border cross, as well as in Al-Shabakah and Al-Rabuah Complex military areas. In addition, artillery force shelled military sites of Masehait bin Ladan, Al-Bait al-Abiadh in northern Al-Khubah in Jizan, the official added.

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