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Yemeni Forces Shoot Dead Saudi Solider in Jizan


February 13 / Yamanyoon

The Yemeni army and popular forces shot dead on Monday a Saudi soldier in Al-Suda site in Khubah area, Jizan region, a military official told Yamanyoon.

Moreover, the army and popular forces targeted a gathering of Saudi soldiers in Am-Alqatab Al-Sharqeyah using a locally made missile, Al Sarkha.

Yemeni forces also targeted a gathering of soldiers with their materiel in northern Al-Mahdaf, Al-Madrasa village , Kars, Jawbah, Al-Tewal gate and Al-Ghaweyah areas.

The attacks hit their targets with high accuracy.

In addition, the missile force of the army and popular forces bombed gatherings of Saudi soldiers and their vehicles at the site of Abu-Al-Math and Walan military areas.

The official also stressed that the army and popular forces pounded Saudi paid-mercenaries in northeast of Medi desert and in western Al-Tewal border crossing.

In the same context, the army and popular forces pounded Al-Radhmah hill using missiles.

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