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Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance Axis Triumphs


March 18 / Yamanyoon

Sara Taha Moughnieh

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a televised statement Saturday during a ceremony Hezbollah held commemorating the birthday of Sayyeda Fatima Al-Zahraa (as) which marks the Muslim Woman Day.

His eminence saluted all the strong women who are bearing all the difficulties in this sensitive period, specifically the wives, mothers and daughters of resistance fighters and martyrs.

He divided his speech into two parts, the first part was political and the second was about the occasion being commemorated and internal social issues.

In the political part, Sayyed Nasrallah spoke about the report ESCWA issued documenting Israeli crimes against Palestinians and accusing it of apartheid. This provoked the US and Israel so they put pressure on the UN and its secretary general to withdraw the report.

“The former secretary general submitted to the pressure in the past and withdrew a report related to the Saudi crimes in Yemen. However, ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf refused to withdraw the report and resigned… First, we have always known that this organization is under the control of the US, therefore it is too weak to defend our rights, and this is why we can never rely on its decisions to restore our occupied lands. Second, the stance of this Arab lady who sacrificed her position and job, and will have to bear the consequences of her decision in the future is worth offering my gratitude, and the gratitude of the resistance fighters and all the honorable people the world,” his eminence said.

In this context, his eminence stressed that “the Palestinians have portrayed ongoing firmness and resistance against this apartheid regime, as we saw great participation in the funeral of martyr Bassel Al-A’raj. We send our condolences to the family and relatives of this great martyr.”

Locally, Sayyed Nasrallah spoke about the taxes and wage scale file, pointing out that while millions of people are worried about the taxes, 260,000 families are awaiting the wage scale. Therefore, approaching this issue from a demagogic manner would not work.

“This file should be approached in a conscious and fair way… We support the wage scale because it is a natural right. As for the taxes, it wouldn’t be a problem to impose them on seashore investments or on luxurious stuff. However, taxes should be fair. They shouldn’t be imposed on poor people or low paid workers, and this has been our stance since 1992, as we have never voted for increasing taxes on low paid workers,” Hezbollah secretary general pointed out.

His eminence indicated that “the wage scale can be approved by avoiding unnecessary payments and imposing taxes in specific fields, but not on the poor people. Stand on the side of the poor people at least for once. This is a pride and this is where our strength lies.”

As for the electoral law, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that Hezbollah seeks a “permanent electoral law that represents all the Lebanese people, even the small groups, fairly… The electoral law is the basis issue and it is more important that the wage scale, therefore we should make concessions in order to agree on it in the coming couple of days.”

Finally in the political part, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the Syrian file.

“Six years have passed on the Syrian war,” he noted, adding that “all those who wagered on taking control over Syria in a couple of months were disappointed and defeated… The Billions that Arab countries paid for the war in Syria could’ve ended poverty in the Arab world. It could’ve stopped the hunger in Somalia, educated the illiterate and solved many problems in the Arab world.”

His eminences recalled that he had addressed Al-Qaeda since the beginning of the Syrian crisis and called them to retreat from fighting.

“I have told them that you were dragged to fight in Syria to serve American and Israeli goals, and they will get rid of you after that. You are only firewood for them. However, their ignorance did not give them the chance to do so. They thought they could use America and Turkey to establish their state. ISIL is almost over in Iraq, and it has no military or political future in Syria. The suicide bombings are but evidence to this strategic and military failure, and this is revenge not fighting. This is the future of ISIL and Al-Nusra… and here they are being bombarded by the US, Turkey and Russia.”

“Today they have realized that America is a hypocrite… but Israel is still not recognizing this defeat, as it interferes, claiming that it is targeting spots for Hezbollah, as it did a couple of days ago. Today this arrogant plot to take control over Syria had failed, and Syria triumphed but is still awaiting its decisive victory. It is only a matter of time until ISIL, Al-Nusra, and all the Takfiri factions will cease to exist.”

Addressing the Takfiris, Sayyed Nasrallah concluded the political part saying: “For all those fighting in the ranks of the enemy in Syria, I tell you that this project is over. Netanyahu had visited Putin to beg him because he fears the defeat of ISIL, for its defeat means Israel’s defeat and the victory of the resistance axis in the region. I call you to abandon the American/Israeli front and join the resistance front… since the beginning I have assured that the resistance axis will never be defeated, neither in Syrian nor in Iraq or Yemen.

Source: Websites

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