More than 67 Raids in Yemeni Provinces Last updated أبريل 15, 2017 216 Share April 15 | Yamanyoon The Saudi-led alliance launched more than 60 raids in the provinces of Yemen. Moreover, the warplanes of Saudi-led coalition waged 30 raids in Al Mozia area in Taiz province , and more than 19 raids in Hajjah province. In Saada, the warplanes waged more than 10 raids in the areas of the province, and targeted the citizens properties . In Marib, the Saudi _ led alliance waged at least 15 raids in Serwah district of Marib , and in Amran the warplanes waged two raids . aggressionbombcoalitionnewsSaudi Aggression Against Yemenyemen 216 Share FacebookTwitterGoogle+ReddItWhatsAppPinterestEmail