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Daily report of Saudi-led Aggression air raids for Sunday, May 24, 2015


Sunday May 24, 2015

The following is a summary of the Saudi-led Aggression air raids launched throughout Yemen on Sunday May 24, 2015 and the resulting casualties and destruction.


  • 5 people killed as a result of Saudi aircraft shelling on the Security Administration building of Al-Ja’fariyah region.
  • This is probably the first time Raymah governorate was hit by Saudi air raids since the Aggression on Yemen began two months ago.


  • Saudi missile shelling on the region of Marran in the district of Haidan.
  • 4 air raids on the region of Dhahyan.
  • 3 people killed and 12 injured as a result of Saudi air raids on the market in Dhahyan.
  • Missile shelling on the regions of Bani-Mu’ein and Al-Ghour in the districts of Razeh and Ghamer.


  • Saudi aircraft launched air raids on Dhayn Mountain (جبل ضين).


  • Saudi aircraft targeted the historic Bajel Fort with a series of air raids:


  • Saudi aircraft launched 4 sporadic air raids on the city of Atag; one close to the air port, the second targeted the communication network in the city, the third in Mafrag Al-Sa’aid, and the fourth on the entrance of the city.


  • Saudi aircraft launched a series of air raids on Al-Sobahah, west of the Capital.
  • Saudi aircraft launched air raids on the Aviation and Air Defense College, in Al-Sitteen (60) street, in the Capital.
  • Saudi aircraft launched air raids on Raymat-Hamid military camp, south of the Capital.
  • A series of air raids targeted the military camps of Dhabwah and Al-Sawad, south of the Capital.


  • Saudi aircraft launched a series of air raids on Dar-Saad
  • American surveillance aircraft hovered in the skies of the governorate.
  • Saudi aircraft shelled Aden International Airport.
  • Saudi air raid decimates a displaced family that moved to Al-Sahel Al-Dhahabi (the Golden Coast) where they were hit.


  • Saudi aircraft launched 2 air raids on Al-Mazrag area.
  • Saudi aircraft targeted the area of Muthalath-Aahim with 3 air raids while at the same time the Saudi artillery shelled the region of Al-Madaheshah and the Customs building.


  • Saudi aircraft hovered intensively in the skies of Taiz over different periods of time.

Al-Dhale (الضالع):

  • Saudi aircraft launched 7 air raids on the Special Security Forces camp in the district of Qatabah (قعطبة).
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