أفق نيوز
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Monitoring of Alliance Raids Durinthe past 24 Hours


May 31 I Yamanyoon

The US-Saudi alliance warplanes launched several of raids in the Yemeni Provinces,  and their targets are the citizens and their properties.

On Taiz province,  the warplanes waged four raids and dropped a Cluster Bomb on Mokha district.

On Marib , the warplanes waged three raids in Serwah district.

On Hajjah province,  the alliance warplanes launched at least 16 raids in Harad and different areas in the province.

On Saada province,  the warplanes waged more than seven raids in  Hedan and Kitaf districts.

Moreover, the Saudi soldiers waged several of artillery shells at the border areas , and targeted citizens homes.

On Sana’a province , the warplanes of the US_Saudi alliance waged two raids in Niham district.


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