Israel uses a spy base right next to Yemen’s strategic strait Bab-el-Mandeb: US Website
Jun 23 | Yamanyoon
The US intelligence website Stratfor maintains that the Israeli regime uses the Dahlak Island of Eritrea to gather intelligence on the target countries in the region.
Since its foundation in 1948 in the occupied Palestinian territories, the Israeli regime has made relentless efforts to spy on the region’s countries using different ways and instruments.
The Stratfor, a global intelligence company which is known as the shadow agency for the CIA, has published a report, uncovering that the Israeli regime uses the Eritrean Island as spy base.
The Stratfor website has made it clear that Tel Aviv rented one of Eritrean islands known as Dahlak, which is close to Yemen’s strategic Bab-el-Mandeb Strait in the Red Sea, to spy on the regional countries.
Quoting the informed diplomatic sources, the Stratfor noted that Tel Aviv is trying to have limited but efficient presence in the island all to make sure that its activity in the African country is not revealed.
The website adds that any move from and to Bab-el-Mandeb, which is the gate of the Red Sea, comes under close watch of the Israeli experts stationed in the Eritrean Island.
Dahlak is in fact an archipelago containing over 100 islets which totally cover an area of 700 square kilometers, and is some 43 kilometers away from the Eritrean coast, and due to appropriate coasts represents a suitable anchorage for a slew of commercial ships and oil tankers moving through the Red Sea.
According to the Stratfor, the base is the largest spying facility and the second-largest naval base of the Israeli regime off the occupied territories.
Stratfor’s report adds that according to an agreement between the Israeli regime and the Eritrean government, Tel Aviv has been using for years the Island for spying objectives. The report also maintains that in 1996, Eritrea used the Israeli military boats to occupy Yemen’s Hanish Island, as Tel Aviv also offered logistic assistance to the Eritrean government during the conflict with Sana’a.
In addition to regular use of the island for spying activity and reconnaissance of the movement of the ships and naval vessels in the Red Sea, Tel Aviv stations its submarines armed with cruise missiles topped with nuclear warheads in the Eritrean island.
Before renting the island by the Israeli regime, the Russians up to early 1990s took it as a base for control of the Red Sea and to supervise the movement of the ships in the region.
According to the leaked secret information, the Israeli regime has built reconnaissance towers high on the mountains of the island, and is gathering intelligence on the military and logistic aids it claims Iran is delivering to the Palestinian factions, especially those in West Bank, through the Red Sea and Sudan.
In 2012, Tel Aviv alleged that, using its data gathered in its base in Dahlak, it targeted a convoy of military aids to the Palestinian groups in Gaza that came to them from Sudan.
Furthermore, in its aggression on Lebanon in 2006, the Israeli regime used its Dahlak-based naval vessels to launch some missile strikes on Hezbollah’s positions in south Lebanon.
The information at disposal of Stratfor make it clear that the Israeli regime has built underground bases in Dahlak Island in which it keeps a number of its fighter jets, military boats, and nuclear-capable submarines.
The electronic tapping units of the Israeli Directorate of Military Intelligence- or Aman for short- are responsible for spy work in Dahlak Island. Using an array of intelligence equipment including the spy towers and tapping devices, Tel Aviv eavesdrops on the radio and phone conversations of the ships moving through Bab-el-Mandeb and the Red Sea.