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Saudi Intelligence Kidnapped Bothina


Yamanyoon- 26 Sep 2017

Do you Remember Buthina? a girl who becomes an icon of forgotten war in Yemen, has been kidnapped by Saudi intelligence by an organization named ” Sama” on Monday.

Butheinah who is the only Survivor after  Saudi airstrike destroyed her Home, her Image trying to open her bruised eyes  spread on social media, with hundreds of people posting their own pictures in solidarity with the little girl , Bothina.

Later, Butheinah appeared beside a Saudi officer in an office inside Saudi land.

The head of Sama Humanity Foundation, Sama Ahmed, told the details of the kidnapping  in press conference, saying  ” there was a person  named ” Fouad Thabet Al Mansouri” came to our foundation as a filmmaker to make a film for  Butheinah .

” We went to Sanban, which two airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition  killed at least 15 civilians and wounded 25 others in a wedding in 2015, to film her to show the world her story”, she added.

” I went with them , first we visited her ruined house in the neighborhood of Atan, then decided to move to Sanban in Dhamar ,after that they asked to go on a tourist visit  to adamt district ” she told.

She added “in Damt city,  Fouad asked to go in a visiting for his family nearby the place we were in, but they had discovered that was an ambush, he brought them to the point of Saudi troops, reaching  Buthainh and his family to Saudi armored vehicles.

“Two days later, I was transferred from Aden to Dhamar and continued my journey to Sana’a and informed the competent authorities,” said the head of Sama Foundation.

ٍSince March 2015, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies have been launching deadly airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

Nearly 10,000 Yemenis, including women and children, have lost their lives in the deadly military campaign.

On Monday, the UN said it has verified 5,144 civilian deaths in the war in Yemen, mainly from air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition, and an international investigation is urgently needed.

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