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Children in Saadah Affected by Saudi War on Yemen


Yamanyoon- 11 Oct 2017

Riyadh- Angry reactions bubbled up as the United Nations published a report on children rights violations in Yemen citing  information provided .

But in fact, Saudi has committed  more aggressive cromes, saadah alone accounts for a much larger size of children rights abuses than that mentioned in the UN report– over 700 children were killed in Saadah only since the beginning of the war and 2,700 others were wounded by Saudi Airstrikes.”

The team criticized UN because of its “deliberate and shameful silence on systematic crimes against civilians in Saadah.”

“The truth on the ground confirms that the violations of Saudi  and its allies are a systematic process aimed at slaying the future of Yemen,” Andrew said.

Yemen has been engulfed in a violent conflict between the  government headed by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Yemeni Army.

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