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Latest Saudi Arrests: Activists, Judges Are Targeted


Yamanyoon- 21 Oct

Saudi Arabia detains members of the judiciary and prominent human rights activists in latest wave of arrests

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have arrested leading activists and several members of the judiciary as the kingdom continues its crackdown on dissent.

Local sources said that at least eight men were detained on Monday, among them a mix of religious figures, political thinkers and popular social media personalities.

Abdulaziz al-Shubaily and Issa al-Hamid, who are both founding members of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA), were detained at the weekend.

Judges arrested

The activist-led Twitter account “Prisoners of Conscience” said that Monday’s arrests included six criminal court judges and two justice ministry officials.

The account also alleged that forensic researcher Musa al-Ghannami, who is known for attacking militant groups on social media, had also been detained.

His high-profile TV show often focuses on the crimes of Islamic State and the group’s incompatibility with Islamic teachings and values.

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