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Iran President Blasts Certain Muslim States for Close Ties with Israel


Yamanyoon- 6 Dec 2017

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says it is regrettable that certain regional states overtly express their ‘unpleasant’ ties with the Zionist regime of Israel.

In an address to the opening ceremony of the 31st Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, Rouhani said a bitter point in the Muslim world today is that certain Muslim states in the region overtly declare their close ties with the Israeli regime.

“This [overt relation] used to be very ominous and unpleasant in the past, and some of these countries did not dare to declare Israel as their friend even if they had close ties with Tel Aviv,” he added.

Rouhani went on to say the arrogant powers along with the Zionists are seeking to drive a wedge among regional nations, ethnicities, and religions through hatching up new plots.

“Shiites and Sunnis have no differences with each other because they are taking step in the same direction,” Rouhani was quoted as saying in a Farsi report by his official website.

He added the Shiite and Sunni groups have fought against their joint enemies in the history and their unity is deeply rooted in the holy Quran.

The Iranian president stressed that fight against terrorism should keep going on in all fronts till the full eradication of terrorist groups in the region.

“Those who stood against ISIS delivered a huge service to the region and the world but instead of paying tribute, world powers and some of their regional allies are seeking to hatch new plots against them.”

Elsewhere in his statements, Rouhani said it is no longer any secret which states created and sponsored terrorist groups in the region. “But the very terrorists turned the point of their attacks towards their own sponsors.”

The Iranian president warned about the upcoming plots by the sponsors of terrorism in the region and said the world powers should be held accountable for preparing the ground for the killing of the regional people and destroying of historical sits as well as infrastructures of the Middle East.

Rouhani also called for unity among the Islamic world saying the unity is not possible through extremism, violence and terrorism. He added the Islamic world should not allow the enemies to push it towards sectarian war.

“If it was not for the unity of the regional nations in fight against terrorism, Iraq and Syria would have collapsed so far.”

The Iranian president then urged the Islamic scholars to promote the true face of Islam across the world and added foreign powers kill innocent people in region, and boast of establishing human civilization.

Over 500 scholars, politicians from Islamic world including about 200 Iranians are taking part in the d 3-day conference in Tehran. During the conference, the scholars and politicians will discuss ways to confront challenges facing Muslim world during Islamic Unity Conference.

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