Trump’s withdrawal from deal to cost US more than Iran
Yamanyoon- Jan 10, 2018
In case the United States quits Iran nuclear deal, it will lose more than Iran, senior Iranian nuclear negotiator Majid Takht-e Ravanchi said on Wednesday.

Takht-e Ravanchi, also the political deputy of Iran’s chief of staff of presidential office, made the remarks speaking exclusively to IRNA two days before US President Donald Trump is to decide on whether to extend suspension of sanctions on Iran or no.
Takht-e Ravanchi said that Iran will not be the first country to withdraw from JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal).
However, he noted that in case the US quits JCPOA, if the Europeans remain committed to their promises and make up for the losses driven from reestablishment of sanctions, Iran will begin a new chapter.
‘If the JCPOA bears no fruit for us, we will step away from it. But the world should know who is responsible for this action.’
In private negotiations, Iran has repeatedly said that it will not get engaged in discussions beyond the issues in JCPOA, Takht-e Ravanchi said.
‘We have openly told them not to think about negotiations on our defense-related issues and that regional issues are not suitable to be discussed here,’ the official added.
He said that reopening the case of JCPOA is totally dismissed by Iran.